Digital Library
The second phase of the journey of Digitization is enabling accessibility of more than one lakh digitized documents comprising approx. 1 crore pages from selective collections of the Parliament Library viz. Papers Laid on the Table of House, Reports, Books, Acts, Bills and Periodicals etc. 89,000 documents are already made available and shortly all the digitized documents will be uploaded. The documents have been digitized through a NICSI vendor and are placed in DSpace technology.
Information Bulletins
Digital Business Document(E-Parlib)
The digitized version of treasured and historic legislative debates, tracing the growth and development of modern parliamentary institutions in India, from 1854 to 1952, debates from 1 st to 18 th Lok Sabha, Reports of several Parliamentary Committees, Presidential Addresses to the Parliament, PM Speeches, Budget Speeches, and several other publications of the Lok Sabha, comprising more than 12 lakh documents having approx. 50 lakh digitized pages are being migrated to this segment of the website in 7.4 version of DSpace technology with customized features.
Papers Laid On The Table

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